September 22nd 2020
How microbreweries can adapt post-lockdown, so they don’t find themselves over a barrel

Going to the pub is a British tradition and many drinking establishments across the UK have been open again for nearly two months now. With the easing of national restrictions...

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September 22nd 2020
Preparing your business against the second wave

While speculation continues and the Government determines how to best tackle rising coronavirus figures in the UK, here’s what you can do to protect your business...

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September 15th 2020
Reopening your Escape Room as COVID-19 lockdown restrictions ease

As lockdown eases further, some Escape Rooms have already started to open their doors, with others in close pursuit...

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September 15th 2020
Avoid invalidating your Car Insurance this autum and winter

British autumn and winters are usually wet, windy, muddy and snowy affairs and this year isn’t set to be any different. When out and about in soggy conditions...

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September 15th 2020
Do tenants need Contents Insurance?

As a tenant, you expect your landlord to take responsibility for the building in which you live, after all – it’s their property at the end of the day...

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September 15th 2020
4 ways to prepare your car for autumn

From slippery roads to decreased visibility, there’s plenty more things that we need to consider when driving as summer comes to an end...

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September 15th 2020
Does your insurance cover for a courtesy car?

Every Car Insurance policy is different. Often when it comes to comprehensive cover, even if your insurer does include the option for a 14-day replacement vehicle...

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September 15th 2020
How local lockdowns could affect you

Despite the Government having eased the nationwide lockdown, we’re seeing an increasing number of localised lockdowns being enforced up and down the UK...

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September 8th 2020
The true cost of rural crime in 2020

Despite having to contend with the multitude of other challenges presented by the COVID-19 pandemic, farmers across the UK have...

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September 8th 2020
Why supporting local farmers is more important than ever

COVID-19 has presented a whole host of issues for farmers across the industry. Wool farmers have been dumping wool as profit margins collapse...

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