Does your property require non-standard insurance?

The Insurance Centre has taken the time to understand Escape Room insurance needs.
Our expert brokers have an in-depth understanding of your work, meaning we can tailor an insurance package which will meet your unique business requirements.

In Escape Rooms, you need to be prepared for any eventuality and the same applies to Escape Room Insurance.
There isn’t one set formula, so we’ll work with you to find out the size, assets and risks of your business to determine the level of protection you need.

With Escape Rooms Insurance you could benefit from:
- Public and Employer’s Liability
- Business Interruption
- Cyber Risks
- Commercial Motor
- Asset Protection for contents & props
- Computers, tech and electronic equipment
- Commercial Buildings
- Legal Expenses
- Tenants Improvements

The Insurance Files (Top Secret)
Detective Profile
Agent Name: Mr A Anonymous
Job role: Classified
Mission: Preparing for the worst
Diary extract
I’m stuck in this darned war bunker. It’s cold, it’s dark and we can’t solve puzzle 3. I think it’s broken, if not I need to go back to spy school *cough*… I mean regular school. I hope these people have got insurance, I think their heating might be done for.
Solved puzzle 3, easy peasy. Still cold. I’ve fashioned a rug into a coat, hope they don’t mind.
Call Us On:
My team have failed me, they don’t know the answer to the clues and my brain power is being depleted by the elements.
I’ve found a ball, drawn a face on it and called it Wilson to distract me. It’s icy cold, the team are feeling it but with my extraordinary intellect, it’s affecting me the most. Don’t think we’re gonna make it.
Had to be retrieved by the Grim Reaper. Didn’t make it out, better luck next time eh. I told the big guy that his heating’s off. He told me not to worry and made a call. I followed him in secret. He was talking to someone from The Insurance Centre…very suspicious.